
Long johns, overalls, insulated pants


Over the years as I got smarter or ok wiser the way I stay warm in Michigan in the winter. There are two different ways to dress better or just stay in bed a snuggle. Staying in bed just got me more offspring. I started with what my father had taught me.

Long johns are that underwear that you had to get your fat paints out to us them. They came in different colors and materials. The best ones to me are the ones that had the flaps on the butt and the buttons down the front. These seem to me to keep you warm the longest but to pee or to drop the kids off at the pool took some time and practice to master.

Once they go through the washer a couple of times they seem to sag in the spots. And I forgot to talk about the ingrown hairs on the top of your legs that keep you occupied while using the pooper.

Overalls or coveralls some might call them work great for keeping out the weather. The straps rub the heck out of the shoulders. If your chest is of any size the material is like sandpaper on your nipples. So, to use the bathroom in these things you are better off just tacking them off. If not, you run a high chance of dirtying them up.

I have introduced to insulated pants about 9 years ago. I will never go back. In the beginning, the pants were bulky but worked well. As other manufacturers came out with other designs the fit became easier to deal with. The size you wear without any insulation is the size you use with. So no brainer.

Some of them are a little thin to use in high winds but great for the fall. Fleece is ok but the red quilted ones or the top dog. If you are going to be out in the elements for a long period this is a must-have. If I am going ice fishing, I use these with overalls. I can sit all day in high winds, but I have to get cold when I pee.