Keeping Cows
As the weather gets warmer the cows want grass. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence said the cow in the hat. Little do the cows know the green grass they want is the same on both side of the fence. The fence must keep the livestock your livestock.
In the old days if the cows got out and the neighbor found them the cow became the neighbors’ cow by possession. In today’s world the judge will have to decide that. So, the best thing to do is keep the livestock on your side of the fence. Keeping fence in good condition is hard to do. All kinds of factors are against you. Mother nature is on the hunt to take back what was once hers. With day-to-day upkeep you can defy her.
On the farm all need to help with the fences. If we want to eat the meat, you must help beat the odds. All must put in the effort to corral the beef. As the grass grows the push on the fence becomes forceful. If the cow wants what is one the other side of the fence all they do is close their eyes, put down their head and keep on walking until the tall, green, delicious grass is under their feet and then start eating. Once the bellies are full, they stop and enjoy the cud. Putting a good fence in place puts the odds on your side for the moment.
A tight, tall well-maintained fence is the only way to go. Some like electric fence and some do not. I like to place a number 9 wire on the bottom and hog tied to the bottom of the fence. With two strains of barbed wire on top to deter them. This process comes with blood and sweet but in the end is have keep the 2500lb cows in the pasters for years. The trick to a tight fence is the pull points and corners post.
Most put the corner post in the ground at around 42 inches. I prefer to put them a little deeper. As I put the pull the 600-foot fence line with the 806 international tractor the post at 42 inches pulls out the ground even with the counter post. So, if you want a fence to be tight and last a long time try to go the extra distance. Good luck to all.