Hiking in the Rain
While many people prefer to hike on sunny days, hiking in the rain can be a lot of fun. For one, the trails tend to have fewer people out and about, making you feel like you and your hiking buddy are the only people out there for miles. For two, if you tend to have hot weather, a rainy day can keep things cool. For three, half of fall and spring are a hiking bust if you don’t go out on rainy days.
No matter how great it is, you’ll be miserable if you aren’t prepared. Getting soaked through and slipping on rocks is not fun or safe, so let’s talk about what you’ll need when hiking in the rain!
Good Hiking Boots
Good hiking boots aren’t hard to come by, but many people who hike get away with using tennis shoes if they stick to the dry, sunny days close to home. Hiking in the rain means the ground is soaked, muddy, slick, and treacherous. You want to invest in quality boots with waterproofing and top-notch tread. Personally, I love my Merrells for rain hikes. The pair I have are sturdy enough that I don’t have to worry about roots and branches and tall enough to provide ankle support if I slip through the mud.
When choosing your hiking boots, be very picky! Different brands will fit your feet in different ways, so choose those that don’t have pinch points or cause discomfort. Yes, they all need to be broken in, but you can tell a good fit when you slide in your foot.
Rain Gear
Hiking in the rain isn’t the time to wear your jeans and a hoodie. Even in decent temperatures, getting soaked can be uncomfortable, and jeans will rub blisters on your legs. Getting wet in thick clothing also lends to a lack of mobility, and hiking requires quick reflexes and the ability to move. Instead, choose rain gear that covers you from head to ankle. This can be a one or two-piece; it doesn’t matter. This will go over your other clothes, so plan an outfit that works for the weather but doesn’t bulk you up inside the gear. You can also invest in a rain cover for your hiking pack or buy a waterproof hiking pack for your rain adventures.
Last but certainly not least, you’re going to need GPS capabilities. For one, as I mentioned before, hiking in the rain can be treacherous, and if you get hurt, you’ll want to be able to give your exact coordinates. For two, if the rain becomes heavier than expected, you might get lost. It’s not a massive risk if you know the area well, but it’s still easy to get turned around when sheets of water are coming down. Having your GPS easy to access will ensure you can hike out as quickly as you hiked in!
Now that you know what you need, don’t shy away from a cloudy day. Throw those hiking boots on and get out in the wilderness. It’s a great place to be no matter the weather!