Farmers Almanac

Farmer’s Almanac


One of the most Forgotten but still useful books

With all the new technology most books are being forgotten. With one voice command, you can have the answers to all your questions. To be truthful the answer can pop up before you are done talking. But like the weatherman, some of the answers are way off. The old saying doesn’t believe all the stuff you read on the internet is a true statement. One of the books that use stars, sun, moon, and the history of the planet is “THE OLD FARMER’S ALMANAC”.

This book has been around since 1792. Inside you will find articles on astrology, astronomy, history, weather, gardening, folklore, and many more subjects. Just by the title, you think I am not a farmer so there is nothing in there for me. This book is full of useful material from horoscopes to weather.

One of the best parts of this book is the humor in some of the articles. When you start to read the article, you get the feeling that the writer is in a good mood all the time. The book keeps your interest and then makes you smile and laugh.

Once you start to get tired of the book all of a sudden you are thrown into a page of brain teasers. What a great way to keep the reader in the book. With all the books published each year this one is one to pick up once it is available. Good buy for just 8 dollars.